[Chapter 3] Section 4 Accidents Accompanying Other Work and Prevention Methods①
1.How to install equipment for mounting fall prevention equipment on roof edges and how to use harness-type fall prevention equipment, etc..
(1)Installation method of vertical main rope (main rope)
① How to install the main rope from the ground
Before starting work on the roof, install the first vertical main rope (main rope), which is the key against fall prevention.
One way to install the main rope is to use an operating rod from the ground. This method is expected to prevent the worker from falling to the ground before work begins (before climbing the ladder) and until the end of the work.

② How to install the main rope using a movable ladder
The second method of installing a main rope is to use a fall protection mechanism consisting of a rope connecting the upper part of the ladder and the legs (four points in total if left and right are included) to a solid structure and a safety block with a shock absorber attached to the top of the ladder.

2.Accidents involving falls from ladders and stepladders
(1) Since ladders and stepladders are very familiar tools, many people may use them without much fear of falling. However, past accidents have shown that many serious injuries, such as broken bones, have occurred, and depending on the injured area, many accidents have resulted in death.
Please use ladders and stepladders properly after ensuring safety.

More than 80% of fatal head injuries occurred in 2015 due to failure to wear protective helmets when they fell.

Article 527 of the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (movable ladders) does not require that the top of a ladder protrude 60 cm or more from the floor, but Article 556, Item 5 of the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health is applicable because a mobile ladder cannot safely ascend or descend without some protrusion (hint) when climbing to high places.
