
[Chapter 3] Section 5

Compliance, etc. with industrial safety and health laws and regulations

  1. Be sure to ground (earth) single-insulated tools and equipment.
    If an earth wire is not connected, the human body can become a substitute for the earth wire, thereby resulting in an electric shock.

  2. Use earth-leakage circuit breakers to prevent electric shock.
    These are installed on the switchboard, etc., but should also be installed on extension cords drums, and other extension cords, etc.

  3. If you handle electrical equipment with wet hands or feet (shoes), the electrical resistance of your skin will be low, so if you get an electric shock, it will be more serious and dangerous.
    In particular, when carrying out tasks like connecting terminals that may cause electric shock, use insulating gloves on dry hands to prevent electric shock.

  4. For overhead wires, etc., install signboards clearly indicating the location of the overhead facilities, protective covers, and height restriction devices, establish a zone prohibiting the rotation of construction machinery booms, etc., and the entry of people, and provide clear indications to the site. Also post traffic guards and watchers as appropriate.

  5. A typical utility pole has 6,600-volt distribution lines on the top side, and 100-200 volt distributions line on the bottom side.
    When working on poles, use both equipment for work positioning to stabilize the working posture and equipment for fall arrest.

  6. Even minor electrical work, such as operating switches (breakers, etc.), requires special low-voltage electrical training.
    Even qualified electricians must take this course.

  7. When electric welding work is carried out in a cramped environment surrounded by electrical conductors such as steel pipe scaffolding or steel frame, careful consideration must be given to preventing electric shock accidents, involving not only the welder but also other workers, by for example paying close attention to contact of the welding rod and the mounting position of the earth (return wire) clamp.




