
[Chapter 3] Section 8 ①

1. Types of accidents

Based on past industrial accidents, accidents can be classified into 21 types:

  • falling/tumbling
  • tripping/slipping
  • collision
  • flying/falling objects
  • collapse/breakdown
  • being hit
  • being pinched or caught
  • cuts/scrapes
  • feet dropping through
  • drowning
  • contact with hot/cold materials
  • contact with hazardous materials etc.
  • electric shock
  • explosion
  • rupture
  • fire
  • traffic accidents (road)
  • traffic accidents (other)
  • reaction to action or unreasonable action
  • other
  • unclassifiable.

2. Accident occurrence situation

Casualty accidents by industry and type of accident (2017)

All industries Manufacturing Construction Land freight transportation Tertiary industry Other
Falling/Tumbling 20,374 2,842 5,163 4,192 6,947 1,230
(of which, deaths) (258) (28) (135) (19) (56) (20)
Tripping/Slipping 28,310 5,088 1,573 2,240 18,077 1,332
Collision 6,111 1,171 680 1,130 2,778 352
Flying/falling objects 6,376 2,039 1,478 748 1,692 419
Being pinched or caught 14,529 7,159 1,663 1,606 3,312 789
Cuts/Scrapes 7,760 2,523 1,312 160 3,232 533
Contact with
hot/cold materials
2,889 908 210 116 1,567 88
Traffic accidents (road) 7,885 299 587 916 4,883 1,200
Reaction to
action or
unreasonable action
16,177 2,433 880 2,203 9,765 896
Other 10,049 2,212 1,583 1,395 3,749 1,110
Total 120,460 26,674 15,129 14,706 56,002 7,949
(of which, deaths) (978) (160) (323) (137) (244) (114)




