ホーム > Full harness Curriculum > [Chapter 5] (Practical skills reference materials) Methods of using fall arrest equipment, etc. [Chapter 5] (Practical skills reference materials) Methods of using fall arrest equipment, etc. 講習会の開催場所・スケジュールの確認 Section 1: Method of wearing full harness Inspection before starting work Wearing full harness type fall arrest equipment Section 2: Method of attaching lanyard to mounting equipment, etc. Attaching the hook of fall arrest equipment Section 3 Measures to prevent industrial accidents due to falls Experience dangling in the air Measures when a fall occurs Section 4: Methods of inspection and maintenance of fall arrest equipment Methods of inspection and maintenance of fall arrest equipment ≪Previous Article Next Article≫ このページをシェアする Twitter Facebook LINE 講習会をお探しですか? 講習会一覧はこちら スケジュールページからお申込み お申込内容確認ページ » 受講者様のご希望に合わせ、以下のタイプの講習会もご用意しています 一般講習全国の都道府県で定期的に開催 WEB講習オンラインで会社や自宅で受講可能 出張講習指定の会場へ講師を派遣いたします 3種類の受講方法を比較